Nicomachean Ethics
Aristotle Volume XIX
Ηθικὰ Νικομάχεια
Aristotle 译者: H. Rackham
Aristotle's Politics is a key document in Western political thought. In these first two books Aristotle shows his complete mastery of political theory and practice, and raises many crucial issues still with us today. In Book I he argues vigorously for a political theory based on 'nature'. By nature, man is a 'political animal', one naturally fitted for life in a polis or state. Some people, however, are natural slaves; and women are by nature subordinate to men. Acquisition and exchange are natural, but not trading for profit. In Book II he launches a sharp attack on Plato's two 'utopias', the Republic and the Laws, and also criticizes three historical states reputed to be well governed: Sparta, Crete, and Carthage. This volume contains a close translation of these two books, together with a philosophical commentary. It is well suited to the requirements of readers who do not know Greek.
The Nicomachean Ethics
Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V
Book VI
Book VII
Book IX
Book X
尼各马可伦理学 商务印书馆 None
尼各马可伦理学 上海三联书店 2024
尼各马可伦理学 商务印书馆 2017
尼各马可伦理学[注释导读本] 人民出版社 2010
The Nicomachean Ethics Oxford University Press 2009
尼各马可伦理学 中国社会科学 2007
The Nicomachean Ethics Penguin Classics 2004
尼各马可伦理学 商务印书馆 2003
尼各马科伦理学 中国人民大学出版社 2003
Nicomachean Ethics OUP Oxford 2002
Nicomachean Ethics Cambridge University Press 2000
Nicomachean Ethics Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 1999
The Nicomachean Ethics Oxford Paperbacks 1998
Nicomachean Ethics Hackett Pub Co Inc 1985
Ethica Nicomachea Oxford University Press, USA 1920