Out Stealing Horses

Out Stealing Horses


ISBN: 9780312427085
作者: Per Petterson
译者: Anne Born
出版社: Picador
发行时间: 2008 -4
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 15.00
页数: 238

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A Novel

Per Petterson    译者: Anne Born


NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY "THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW"A "TIME" MAGAZINE BEST BOOK OF THE YEARWINNER OF THE IMPAC DUBLIN LITERARY AWARD "Out Stealing Horses" has been embraced across the world as a classic, a novel of universal relevance and power. Panoramic and gripping, it tells the story of Trond Sander, a sixty-seven-year-old man who has moved from the city to a remote, riverside cabin, only to have all the turbulence, grief, and overwhelming beauty of his youth come back to him one night while he's out on a walk. From the moment Trond sees a strange figure coming out of the dark behind his home, the reader is immersed in a decades-deep story of searching and loss, and in the precise, irresistible prose of a newly crowned master of fiction.
