The City and Its Uncertain Walls

The City and Its Uncertain Walls


ISBN: 9781787304475
作者: Haruki Murakami
译者: Philip Gabriel
格式: 精装
出版社: Harvill Secker
发行时间: 2024 -11
装订: Hardcover
价格: GBP 25.00
页数: 464

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Haruki Murakami    译者: Philip Gabriel


When a young man’s girlfriend mysteriously vanishes, he sets his heart on finding the imaginary city where her true self lives. His search will lead him to take a job in a remote library with mysteries of its own.
When he finally makes it to the walled city, a shadowless place of horned beasts and willow trees, he finds his beloved working in a different library – a dream library. But she has no memory of their life together in the other world and, as the lines between reality and fantasy start to blur, he must decide what he’s willing to lose.
A love story, a quest, an ode to books and to the libraries that house them, The City and Its Uncertain Walls is a parable for these strange times.
