Social Psychology
12th Edition
David Myers / Jean Twenge Professor
Connecting Social Psychology to the world around us.
Social Psychology introduces students to the science of us; how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the world we live in. In this edition, esteemed author David Myers is joined by respected psychology professor and generational differences researcher Jean Twenge in presenting an integrated learning program designed for today's students.
Social Psychology, 12e
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introducing Social Psychology
Part One: Social Thinking
Chapter 2: The Self in a Social World
Chapter 3: Social Beliefs and Judgments
Chapter 4: Behavior and Attitudes
Part Two: Social Influence
Chapter 5: Genes, Culture, and Gender
Chapter 6: Conformity and Obedience
Chapter 7: Persuasion
Chapter 8: Group Influence
Part Three: Social Relations
Chapter 9: Prejudice: Disliking Others
Chapter 10: Aggression: Hurting Others
Chapter 11: Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others
Chapter 12: Helping
Chapter 13: Conflict and Peacemaking
Part Four: Applying Social Psychology
Chapter 14: Social Psychology in the Clinic
Chapter 15: Social Psychology in Court
Chapter 16: Social Psychology and the Sustainable Future