A Beginner's Guide To Reading Gregorian Chant Notation

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A Beginner's Guide To Reading Gregorian Chant Notation


ISBN: 9781438257488
作者: Noel Jones
其它标题: A Beginner's Guide to Reading Gregorian Chant Notation
出版社: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
发行时间: 2008 -7
语言: Latvian
装订: Paperback
页数: 78

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Noel Jones   


"This wonderful little book is the chant-equivalent of Dick and Jane…a refreshing way to reduce an idiom carrying with it a mysterious theoretical and stylistic aura to the fundamental, even primal musical language" Haig Maridosian • The American Organist This is the easiest book in print that gets you started reading Gregorian Chant. We do this by printing out the notes and signs as big as they were back in medieval days. Big notes are easier to read and remember.

You will learn the simple note patterns.

And when you open The Parish Book of Chant or the Liber Usualis you'll be able to read the notes. In Gregorian Chant notes are arranged like a train....each note or grouping has a clear purpose and when connected to its neighbors makes up a melody. Join the new schola at your church or school and find yourself confident and comfortable reading Gregorian Chant. More

This was a great refresher, it's been years since I sang chant and this brought it all back to me fast! Our schola appreciates how effective this book is, seeing these big notes makes it so much easier to recognize them in today's small printed pages that we usually find in churches.
