Six Records of a Floating Life
Shen Fu 译者: Chiang Su-Hui
Six Records of a Floating Life (1809) is an extraordinary blend of autobiography, love story and social document written by a man who was educated as a scholar but earned his living as a civil servant and art dealer. In this intimate memoir, Shen Fu recounts the domestic and romantic joys of his marriage to Yun, the beautiful and artistic girl he fell in love with as a child. He also describes other incidents of his life, including how his beloved wife obtained a courtesan for him and reflects on his travels through China. Shen Fu's exquisite memoir shows six parallel layers' of one man's life, loves and career, with revealing glimpses into Chinese society of the Ch'ing Dynasty.
浮生六记 中华书局 2022
浮生六记 2019
浮生六记 2018
浮生六记 2018
浮生六记 人民文学出版社 2017
浮生六记 浙江文艺出版社 2017
浮生六记 精装珍藏本 作家出版社 2016
浮生六记 2016
浮生六记 凤凰出版社 2016
浮生六记 2015
浮生六记 天津人民出版社 2015
浮生六记:精装典藏本 2015
浮生六记 中华书局 2015
浮生六记 故宫出版社 2013
浮生六记 中国三峡出版社 2011
浮生六记 2011
浮生六记 中国画报出版社 2011
浮生六记 新世界出版社 2010
浮生六记 中华书局 2010
浮生六记 中州古籍出版社 2010
浮生六记 人民文学出版社 2010
浮生六记 外语教学与研究出版社 2009
浮生六记 中国青年出版社 2009
浮生六记 2007
浮生六记-中国家庭基本藏书.笔记杂著卷 山西古籍出版社 2007
浮生六记 长江文艺出版社 2006
浮生六记 广陵书社 2006
浮生六记 华夏出版社 2006
闺中忆语 2006
浮生六记 2005
典藏插图本浮生六记 北京出版社 2003
浮生六记 2002
浮生六记 2002
浮生六记(外三种) 上海古籍出版社 2002
浮生六記 三民 2001
浮生六记 上海古籍出版社 2000
浮生六记 吉林文史出版社 2000
浮生六记 人民文学出版社 1999
浮生六记 外语教学与研究出版社 1999
浮生六记·秋灯琐忆 作家出版社 1996
浮生六记 人民文学出版社 1980