The Philosophy of Right
ISBN: 9781585100415
G. W. F. Hegel
Alan White
出版社: Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Co.
发行时间: 2002
丛书: Focus Philosophical Library
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 24.95
页数: 288
G. W. F. Hegel 译者: Alan White
A current and highly readable new translation of a primary text in Western philosophy. Introduction, notes, glossary and complete translation. Focus Philosophical Library. A modern translation of an important work by Hegel, designed specifically for college courses in philosophy.
法哲学原理 人民出版社 2017
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Outlines of the Philosophy of Right Oxford University Press, USA 2008
法哲学原理 北京出版社 2007
法哲学原理 中国政法大学出版社 2003
Philosophy of Right Prometheus Books 1996
Elements of the Philosophy of Right Cambridge University Press 1991
Hegel Cambridge University Press 1991
法哲学原理 商务印书馆 1961