The Lost Generation

The Lost Generation


ISBN: 9789629964818
作者: Michel Bonnin
译者: Krystyna Horko
出版社: The Chinese University Press
发行时间: 2013 -10
丛书: 當代中國文化研究中心·中國近現代史研究
装订: Hardcover
价格: USD 55.00
页数: 576

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The Rustification of China's Educated Youth

Michel Bonnin    译者: Krystyna Horko


The Lost Generation is a vital component to understanding Maoism. The book provides a comprehensive account of the critical movement during which seventeen million young "educated" city-dwellers were supposed to transform themselves into peasants, potentially for life. Bonnin closely examines the Chinese leadership's motivations and the methods that they used over time to implement their objectives, as well as the day-to-day lives of those young people in the countryside, their difficulties, their doubts, their resistance and, ultimately, their revolt. The author draws on a rich and diverse array of sources, concluding with a comprehensive assessment of the movement that shaped an entire generation, including a majority of today’s cultural, economic, and political elite.
