The Painted Veil
W. Somerset Maugham
Shallow, poorly educated Kitty marries the passionate and intellectual Walter Fane and has an affair with a career politician, Charles Townsend, assistant colonial secretary of Hong Kong. When Walter discovers the relationship, he compels Kitty to accompany him to a cholera-infested region of chinese mainland, where she finds limited happiness working with children at a convent. But when Walter dies, she is forced to leave China and return to England. Generally abandoned, she grasps desperately for the affection of her one remaining relative, her long-ignored father. In the end, in sharp, unexamined contrast to her own behavior patterns, she asserts that her unborn daughter will grow up to be an independent woman. The Painted Veil was first published in 1925 and is usually described as a strong story about a woman's spiritual journey. To more pragmatic, modern eyes, Kitty's emotional growth appears minimal. Still, if not a major feminist work, the book has literary interest. Sophie Ward's uninflected reading is competent if not compelling.
面纱 译林出版社 2023
面纱 万卷出版公司 2021
面纱 2021
面纱 重庆出版社 2020
面纱 人民文学出版社 2020
面纱 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 2019
面纱 2019
面纱 开明出版社 2018
面纱 上海译文出版社 2017
面纱 天津人民出版社 2017
面紗 麥田出版社 2017
面纱 2017
彩色面纱 人民文学出版社 2016
面纱 江西人民出版社 2016
面纱 黑龙江科学技术出版社 2016
面纱 长江文艺出版社 2016
面纱 重庆 2012
The Painted Veil Vintage 2009
The Painted Veil Vintage 2006
面纱 重庆出版社 2006
彩色的面纱 北京十月文艺出版社 1988