Hybrid Reality

Hybrid Reality


ISBN: 9781937382162
作者: Parag Khanna / Ayesha Khanna
出版社: TED Conferences
发行时间: 2012 -6
页数: 77

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Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization

Parag Khanna / Ayesha Khanna   


Praise for Hybrid Reality
“Hybrid Reality is an enormously important contribution to our thinking about how to create a better tomorrow. It studiously ties technology to our deepest political and economic patterns, and gives a lucid portrayal of the technologies re-shaping our lives tod. The Khanna’s case for a Pax Technologica is a mission we should all share.”
- Peter H. Diamandis, Chairman/CEO, X PRIZE and Chairman, Singularity University
“The Khannas have presented a visionary synthesis of the world on the horizon. Their research is exhaustive and exhilarating, and their hopefulness inspiring.”
- Alvin and Heidi Toffler, bestselling authors of Future Shock, The Third Wave, Revolutionary Wealth and more
“Hybrid Reality effortlessly bridges many examples of our deepening entanglement with technology – from avatars to augmented reality to social robots – with profound and plausible scenarios for how our very sense of self will change. This book will prepare you for the future.”
- Jeremy Bailenson, Director, Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL), Stanford University
“Hybrid Reality is a profoundly optimistic book. For all those who fear the future for their children, Ayesha and Parag Khanna have given you a hundred reasons for hope. The range of ideas and forces creating new potentials will give the reader a strong foundation for understanding the accelerating change all around us and the tools for navigating an astonishing new world.”
- Peter Schwartz, co-founder, Global Business Network (GBN) and author of The Art of the Long View and Inevitable Surprises
“Hybrid Reality has captured the inexorable integration and symbiosis of technology with the human condition. Yes, we are shaped by technology — but somehow, wonderfully, we are shaping it to transform our institutions and our world as well. The Khannas have invented a new language to talk about this emerging reality. Let’s talk.”
- Don Tapscott, best-selling (co-)author of 14 books, most recently Macrowikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet
