Egypt, Greece and Rome

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Egypt, Greece and Rome


ISBN: 9780199263646
作者: Charles Freeman
出版社: Oxford University Press
发行时间: 2004 -4
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 49.95
页数: 736

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Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean

Charles Freeman   


Egypt, Greece and Rome is regarded as one of the best general histories of the ancient world. It is written for the general reader and the student coming to the subject for the first time and provides a reliable and highly accessible point of entry to the period. The volume begins with the early civilizations of Sumer (modern Iraq) and continues through to the Islamic invasions and the birth of modern Europe after the collapse of the western Roman empire. The book ranges beyond political history to cover philosophy, art and literature. A wide range of maps, illustrations and photographs complements the text. The second edition incorporates new chapters on the ancient Mediterranean and the Ancient Near East, as well as extended coverage of Egypt.
