Man's Search For Meaning
The classic tribute to hope from the Holocaust
Viktor E Frankl
A prominent Viennese psychiatrist before the war, Viktor Frankl was uniquely able to observe the way that both he and others in Auschwitz coped (or didn't) with the experience. He noticed that it was the men who comforted others and who gave away their last piece of bread who survived the longest - and who offered proof that everything can be taken away from us except the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. The sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not of camp influences alone. Only those who allowed their inner hold on their moral and spiritual selves to subside eventually fell victim to the camp's degenerating influence - while those who made a victory of those experiences turned them into an inner triumph. Frankl came to believe man's deepest desire is to search for meaning and purpose. This outstanding work offers us all a way to transcend suffering and find significance in the art of living. (20030731)
活出生命的意义(新版) 华夏出版社 2018
弗兰克尔自传 2016
活出生命的意义[珍藏版] 华夏出版社 2015
活出意義來 光啟文化事業 2012
Man's Search for Meaning Rider 2011
活出生命的意义 华夏出版社 2010
... trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen Kösel-Verlag 2009
活出意義来 光啟 2008
Man's Search for Meaning Beacon Press 2006
Man's Search for Meaning Beacon Press 2006
追寻生命的意义 新华出版社 2003
活出意义来 生活·读书·新知三联书店 1998
人生的真谛 1994
夜と霧――ドイツ強制収容所の体験記録 みすず書房 1985
Man's Search for Meaning Touchstone 1984
意义的呼唤 心靈工坊 None