The Farthest Shore (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 3)

The Farthest Shore (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 3)


ISBN: 9780689316838
作者: Ursula K. Le Guin
出版社: Atheneum
发行时间: 1990 -9
装订: Hardcover
价格: USD 21.00
页数: 223

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Ursula K. Le Guin   


DARKNESS THREATENS to overtake Earthsea. As the world and its wizards are losing their magic, Ged -- powerful Archmage, wizard, and dragonlord -- embarks on a sailing journey with highborn young prince, Arren. They travel far beyond the realm of death to discover the cause of these evil disturbances and to restore magic to a land desperately thirsty for it.
With millions of copies sold, Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle has earned a treasured place on the shelves of fantasy lovers everywhere. Complex, innovative, and deeply moral, this quintessential fantasy sequence has been compared with the work of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, and has helped make Le Guin one of the most distinguished fantasy and science fiction writers of all time. She lives in Portland, Oregon.
