A Course in Arithmetic
Jean-Pierre Serre
《算术教程(英文版)》讲述了:The first one is purely algebraic. Its objective is the classification ofquadratic forms over the field of rational numbers (Hasse-Minkowskitheorem). It is achieved in Chapter IV. The first three chapters contain somepreliminaries: quadratic reciprocity law, p-adic fields, Hilbert symbols.Chapter V applies the preceding results to integral quadratic forms indiscriminant + 1. These forms occur in various questions: modular functions,differential topology, finite groups. The second part (Chapters VI and VII) uses "analytic" methods (holomor-phic functions). Chapter VI gives the proof of the "theorem on arithmeticprogressions" due to Dirichlet; this theorem is used at a critical point in thefirst part (Chapter 111, no. 2.2). Chapter VII deals with modular forms,and in particular, with theta functions. Some of the quadratic forms ofChapter V reappear here.