Heart of Darkness
ISBN: 9780140620481
Joseph Conrad
出版社: Penguin Classics
发行时间: 2007
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 2.00
页数: 112
Joseph Conrad
"Heart of Darkness" has been considered for most of this century as a literary classic, and also as a powerful indictment of the evils of imperialism. It reflects the savage repressions carried out in the Congo by the Belgians in one of the largest acts of genocide committed up to that time. Conrad's narrator encounters at the end of the story a man named Kurtz, dying, insane, and guilty of unspeakable atrocities.
黑暗的心 2022
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黑暗的心 译林出版社 2016
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黑暗的心 商务印书馆 2012
Heart of Darkness Penguin Classics 2007
黑暗之心 聯經出版公司 2006
黑暗的心 2006
Heart of Darkness W. W. Norton & Company 2005
黑暗之心 2004
黑暗的心:英美文学经典丛书 青岛出版社 2003
黑暗的心 人民文学出版社 2002
黑暗深处 浙江文艺出版社 2001
Heart Of Darkness Penguin Classics 1995
黑暗深处 百花文艺出版社 1984