The software developer's life manual
John Sonmez
Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual is a unique guide, offering techniques and practices for a more satisfying life as a professional software developer. In it, developer and life coach John Sonmez addresses a wide range of important "soft" topics, from career and productivity to personal finance and investing, and even fitness and relationships, all from a developer-centric viewpoint.
Table of Contents
Why this book is unlike any book you've ever read
Getting started with a "BANG!": Don't do what everyone else does
Thinking about the future: What are your goals?
People skills: You need them more than you think
Hacking the interview
Employment options: Enumerate your choices
What kind of software developer are you?
Not all companies are equal
Climbing the corporate ladder
Being a professional
Freedom: How to quit your job
Freelancing: Going out on your own
Creating your first product
Do you want to start a startup?
Working remotely survival strategies
Fake it till you make it
Resumes are BORING—Let's fix that
Don't get religious about technology
Marketing basics for code monkeys
Building a brand that gets you noticed
Creating a wildly successful blog
Your primary goal: Add value to others
Speaking, presenting, and training: Speak geek
Writing books and articles that attract a following
Don't be afraid to look like an idiot
Learning how to learn: How to teach yourself
My 10-step process
Steps 1-6: Do these once
Steps 7-10: Repeat these
Looking for mentors: Finding your Yoda
Taking on an apprentice: Being Yoda
Teaching: Learn you want? Teach you must.
Do you need a degree or can you "wing it?"
Finding gaps in your knowledge
It all starts with focus
My personal productivity plan
Pomodoro Technique
My quota system: How I get way more done than I should
Holding yourself accountable
Multitasking dos and don'ts
Burnout: I've got the cure!
How you're wasting your time
The importance of having a routine
Developing habits: Brushing your code
Breaking things down: How to eat an elephant
The value of hard work and why you keep avoiding it
Any action is better than no action
What are you going to do with your paycheck?
How to negotiate your salary
Options: Where all the fun is
Bits and bytes of real estate investing
Do you really understand your retirement plan?
The danger of debt: SSDs are expensive
Bonus: How I retired at 33
Why you need to hack your health
Setting your fitness criteria
Thermodynamics, calories, and you
Motivation: Getting your butt out of the chair
How to gain muscle: Nerds can have bulging biceps
How to get hash-table abs
Starting RunningProgram.exe
Standing desks and other hacks
Tech gear for fitness: Geeking out
How the mind influences the body
Having the right mental attitude: Rebooting
Building a positive self-image: Programming your brain
Love and relationships: Computers can't hold your hand
My personal success book list
Facing failure head-on
Parting words