Out of the Spirit of Music
Die Geburt der Tragödie
Friedrich Nietzsche 译者: Shaun Whiteside
Dedicated to Richard Wagner, this book is rich in Nietzsche's enthusiasms for Greek literature and especially tragedy, for Schopenhauer and Wagner's "Tristan Und Isolde". Its central vision is the idea that "only as an aesthetic phenomenon are existence and the world justified". Making his distinction between the Apollonian and the Dionysian spirit, Nietzsche presses the reader to consider why it is that we derive pleasure from tragic art, and what is the relationship between our experience of suffering in life and in art. "The Birth of Tragedy", first published in 1871, was the author's first book.
悲剧的诞生 译林出版社 2020
悲剧的诞生 北京十月文艺出版社 2019
悲剧的诞生 上海人民出版社 2018
悲剧的诞生 上海译文出版社 2017
悲剧的诞生 商务印书馆 2017
悲剧的诞生/大家小书译馆 北京出版社 2017
悲剧的诞生 2016
悲剧的诞生 2015
悲剧的诞生 译林出版社 2014
悲剧的诞生 2014
悲剧的诞生 2013
悲剧的诞生 商务印书馆 2012
悲剧的诞生 译林出版社 2012
悲剧的诞生 商务印书馆 2012
悲剧的诞生 译林出版社 2011
悲剧的诞生 上海人民出版社 2009
悲剧的诞生 2009
悲剧的诞生 译林出版社 2008
The Birth of Tragedy (Oxford World's Classics) Oxford Paperbacks 2008
悲剧的诞生 漓江出版社 2007
悲剧的诞生 北岳文艺出版社 2004
悲剧的诞生 广西师范大学出版社 2002
The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings Cambridge University Press 1999
悲剧的诞生 海南国际新闻出版中心 1996
The Birth of Tragedy Dover Publications Inc. 1995
悲剧的诞生 作家出版社 1986
悲剧的诞生 生活·读书·新知三联书店 1986
炽焰燃烧 人民文学出版社 None
The Birth of Tragedy None