Driven to Distraction
Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. / John J. Ratey M.D.
Groundbreaking and comprehensive, Driven to Distraction has been a lifeline to the approximately eighteen million Americans who are thought to have ADHD. Now the bestselling book is revised and updated with current medical information for a new generation searching for answers.
Through vivid stories and case histories of patients—both adults and children—Hallowell and Ratey explore the varied forms ADHD takes, from hyperactivity to daydreaming. They dispel common myths, offer helpful coping tools, and give a thorough accounting of all treatment options as well as tips for dealing with a diagnosed child, partner, or family member. But most importantly, they focus on the positives that can come with this “disorder”—including high energy, intuitiveness, creativity, and enthusiasm.
分心不是我的错(2024年新版) 浙江教育出版社 None
写给分心者的生活指南 Zhejiang Education Publishing House 2023
分心不是我的错 山西教育出版社 2011
分心也有好人生 山西教育出版社 2011
分心也有好成绩 遠流 2006
无辜的挣扎 浙江教育出版社 2006
Delivered from Distraction Ballantine Books 2005
Delivered from Distraction Ballantine Books 2005
分心不是我的錯 遠流 2000
Driven To Distraction Touchstone 1995