ISBN: 9780316926348
Evelyn Waugh
出版社: Back Bay Books
发行时间: 1982
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 14.95
页数: 368
The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain
Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder
Evelyn Waugh
Waugh tells the story of the Marchmain family. Aristocratic, beautiful and charming, the Marchmains are indeed a symbol of England and her decline in this novel of the upper class of the 1920s and the abdication of responsibility in the 1930s.
慾望莊園 聯經出版公司 2020
旧地重游 陕西师范大学出版总社有限公司 2019
故园风雨后 人民文学出版社 2018
故园风雨后 湖南文艺出版社 2018
布园重访 漓江出版社 2017
旧地重游 译林出版社 2009
Brideshead Revisited Back Bay Books 2008
Brideshead Revisited Penguin Classics 2008
Brideshead Revisited BBC Audiobooks Ltd 2008
Brideshead Revisited (Radio Collection) BBC Audiobooks Ltd 2003
Brideshead Revisited Penguin Classics 2000
旧地重游 译林出版社 1999
旧地重游 外国文学出版社 1988