The Art of Scientific Investigation

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The Art of Scientific Investigation



A technique for producing ideas

ISBN: 9781932846058
作者: William I.B. Beveridge
出版社: Blackburn Press
发行时间: 2004 -11
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 21.95
页数: 200

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William I.B. Beveridge   


In The Art of Scientific Investigation, originally published in 1950, W.I.B. Beveridge explores the development of the intuitive side in scientists. The author's object is to show how the minds of humans can best be harnessed to the processes of scientific discovery. This book therefore centers on the "human factor"; the individual scientist. The book reveals the basic principles and mental techniques that are common to most types of investigation. Professor Beveridge discusses great discoveries and quotes the experiences of numerous scientists. "The virtue of Mr. Beveridge's book is that it is not dogmatic. A free and universal mind looks at scientific investigation as a creative art. . . ." The New York Times
