Stories of Your Life and Others
[美] 姜峯楠
With Stories of Your Life and Others, his masterful first collection, multiple-award-winning author Ted Chiang deftly blends human emotion and scientific rationalism in eight remarkably diverse stories, all told in his trademark precise and evocative prose.
From a soaring Babylonian tower that connects a flat Earth with the firmament above, to a world where angelic visitations are a wondrous and terrifying part of everyday life; from a neural modification that eliminates the appeal of physical beauty, to an alien language that challenges our very perception of time and reality, Chiang's rigorously imagined fantasias invite us to question our understanding of the universe and our place in it.
Tower Of Babylon
Division By Zero
Story Of Your Life
Seventy-Two Letters
The Evolution of Human Science
Hell Is The Absence Of God
Liking What You See: A Documentary
Story Notes
La tour de Babylone Denoël 2023
你一生的故事 译林出版社 2019
妳一生的預言 鸚鵡螺文化 2017
降临 译林出版社 2017
你一生的故事 译林出版社 2016
Stories of Your Life and Others Vintage 2016
你一生的故事 译林出版社 2015
胜多负少的人 译林出版社 2013
Stories of Your Life and Others Vintage 2010
Stories of Your Life and Others Small Beer Press 2010
Stories of Your Life and Others Small Beer Press 2010
你一生的故事 四川科学技术出版社 2005
Stories of Your Life and Others Tor Books 2004
Stories of Your Life and Others Orb Books 2003
Stories of Your Life and Others Tor Books 2002