Past, Present, Future
Qianfan Zhang
This book offers the reformist perspective of one of the most persistent and outspoken constitutional reformers in China. Through the analysis of landmark constitutional events in China since the late nineteenth century, it reveals the fatal dilemma faced by constitutional reform and the deadly dangers of any violent revolution that arises out of the frustration with the repeated failures of reform. Although there is no easy way out of such a predicament, the book analyzes available resources in the existing system and suggests possible strategies that might bring success to future constitutional reforms.
Constitutional Reforms in China i-i
Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy - Series page ii-iv
Constitutional Reforms in China - Title page v-v
Copyright page vi-vi
Dedication vii-viii
Contents ix-x
Figures and Tables xi-xii
Preface xiii-xxiv
Acknowledgments xxv-xxvi
Abbreviations xxvii-xxviii
1 - From the Third Cooperation to the Third Republic A Centennial Anticipation 1-33
2 - From the Xinhai Revolution to the May Fourth Movement Fatal Failures 34-82
3 - The Rise and Fall of Totalitarianism The Cultural Revolution and Beyond 83-129
4 - The Vicissitudes of a Crippled Reform 1978–Present 130-178
5 - The Constitutional Manifesto A Centennial Memorial to the Xinhai Revolution 179-229
6 - Towards the Future Constitutional Design, Social Contract, and Human Dignity 230-290
Bibliography 291-304
Index 305-314