Thinking, Fast and Slow
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ISBN: 9780385676533
[美国] Daniel Kahneman
出版社: Anchor Canada
发行时间: 2013
装订: Paperback
价格: CAD 23.00
页数: 512
[美国] Daniel Kahneman
快思慢想(新版) 天下文化 2018
Thinking, Fast and Slow Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2013
Thinking, Fast and Slow Penguin 2012
Pułapki myślenia. O myśleniu szybkim i wolnym Wydawnictwo Media Rodzina 2012
快思慢想 天下文化 2012
Pensar rápido, pensar despacio DEBATE 2012
Thinking, Fast and Slow Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2011
Thinking, Fast and Slow Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2011
Thinking, Fast and Slow Doubleday Canada 2011
Thinking Fast and Slow LANE ALLEN 2011
思考, 快与慢 中信出版社 2012