A Doll's House
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Frank Ibsen 译者: McGuinness, Frank
Nora Helmer, wife to Torvald and mother of three children, appears to enjoy living the life of a pampered, indulged child. But as her economic dependence becomes brutally clear, Nora's acceptance of the status quo undergoes a profound change. To the horror of the bewildered Torvald, himself caught in the tight web of a conservative society which demands that he exert strict control, Nora comes to see that the only possible true course of action is to leave the family home.
玩偶之家(中英对照全译本) 2013
A Doll's House (Student Editions) Methuen Drama 2009
玩偶之家 天津人民出版社 2008
玩偶之家 天津科翻 2008
A Doll House Smith & Kraus Pub Inc 2006
Et dukkehjem Gyldendal 2005
玩偶之家 書林 2001
A Doll's House 1992
A Doll's House Dover Publications 1992
玩偶之家 人民文学出版社 1978
玩偶之家 人民文学出版社 1963
A Doll's House None