Bronze Age Greek Warrior 1600–1100 BC

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Bronze Age Greek Warrior 1600–1100 BC


ISBN: 9781849081955
作者: Raffaele D’Amato / Andrea Salimbeti
格式: 平装
出版社: Osprey Publishing
发行时间: 2011 -3
丛书: Warrior
语言: en
装订: Paperback
价格: CDN$ 22.00
页数: 64

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WAR 153

Raffaele D’Amato / Andrea Salimbeti   


Osprey's survey of Greek warriors of the period of the Bronze Age from 1600 to 1100 BC. More than a century has passed past since German archeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the treasures of Bronze Age Mycenae. The richly decorated artifacts of the entombed warriors, whose bodies still lay in their graves, confirmed that Homer's epic The Iliad was based upon true events, and that the Achaeans described in his poems probably did exist.

Through a combined study of the mythical tradition, archeological findings, and written sources, this fascinating addition to the Warrior series explores the evolution of warfare in the Bronze Age Greek world. Covering weaponry, clothing, helmets, and body armor, it provides a richly illustrated guide to the warriors who have shone from the pages of Homer's poem for almost three millennia.


Introduction Chronology Appearance and equipment On campaign Belief and belonging Experience of battle After the battle Collecting/Museums/Re-enactment Bibliography Glossary Index
