Richard Lachmann
States over the past 500 years have become the dominant institutions throughout the world, exercising cast and varied authority over the economic well-being, health, welfare, and very lives of their citizens. This concise and engaging book explains how power became centralized in states at the expense of myriad of other polities that had battled one another over the previous millennia.
Richard Lachmann traces the contested and historically contingent struggles by which subjects began to see themselves as citizens of nations and came to associate their interests and identities with states. He explains why the civil rights and benefits they achieved, and the taxes and military service they in turn rendered to their nations, varied so much. Looking forward, Lachmann examines the future in store for states: will they gain or lose strength as they are buffeted by globalization, terrorism, economic crisis, and environmental disaster?
1. Before States
2. The Origins of States
3. Nations and Citizens
4. States and Capitalist Development
5. Democracy, Civil Rights, and Social Benefits
6. State Breakdowns
7. The Future