Taiwan- the Israel of the East

Taiwan- the Israel of the East


ISBN: 9781947766266
作者: Luke Diep-Nguyen
出版社: Pacific Atrocities Education
发行时间: 2020 -03
语言: en
页数: 96

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How the US, China, and Japan Influenced the Forming of a New Nation

Luke Diep-Nguyen   


On October 25, 1947, the United States government helped the Chinese Nationalist Party, Kuomingtang (KMT) President Chiang Kai-Shek flee the overwhelming communist forces. President Chiang established the new democratic government known as the Republic of China on an island later to be known as Taiwan, previously a major trading center called the "the beautiful isle" or Formosa. Parallel to the formation of the Republic of China on Taiwan, Israel was being established from Palestine as a result of creating a nation for Jewish refugees and displaced people following the Holocaust during the Second World War. While there have been a lot known about the conflicts between the Palestinians and Israelites over land and discussions on the plights that the people faced, little is known about the natives of Taiwan who were forced to give up their land and under constant occupation from the Dutch to the Japanese to the Chinese.
