A Sentimental Education
ISBN: 9780192836229
Gustave Flaubert
Douglas Parm'ee
出版社: Oxford University Press, USA
发行时间: 2000
丛书: Oxford World's Classics
装订: Paperback
价格: USD 6.95
The Story of a Young Man (Oxford World's Classics)
Gustave Flaubert / Douglas Parm'ee
First published in 1869, this novel offers a meticulously accurate, ironic depiction of uneventful lives in a crucial period of European history. Flaubert combines intricate political and social upheaval with a close scrutiny of individual motives to produce one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century.
情感教育 人民文学出版社 2021
情感教育 上海译文出版社 2017
情感教育(上下冊) 野人文化事業有限公司 2013
情感教育 野人文化股份有限公司 2013
情感教育 百花洲文艺出版社 2013
情感教育 上海译文出版社 2008
L'Éducation sentimentale Folio 2005
情感教育 译林出版社 2004
Sentimental Education Penguin Classics 2004
情感教育 人民文学出版社 2004
L'Education Sentimentale French & European Publications Inc 1999
情感教育 人民文学出版社 1998
情感教育 上海译文出版社 1984