The White Hotel

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The White Hotel


ISBN: 9780753809259
作者: D M Thomas
出版社: Phoenix
发行时间: 1999 -12
语言: English
装订: Paperback
价格: GBP 8.99
页数: 240

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D M Thomas   


It is a dream of electrifying eroticism and inexplicable violence, recounted by a young woman to her analyst, Sigmund Freud. It is a horrifying yet restrained narrative of the Holocaust. It is a searing vision of the wounds of our century, and an attempt to heal them. Interweaving poetry and case history, fantasy and historical truth-telling, THE WHITE HOTEL is a modern classic of enduring emotional power that attempts nothing less than to reconcile the notion of individual destiny with that of historical fate. I quickly came to feel that I had found that book, that mythical book, that would explain us to ourselves Leslie Epstein, New York Times
