The Phenomenology of Spirit
豆瓣The Phenomenology of Spirit: Translated with introduction and commentary
Phänomenologie des Geistes
G. W. F. Hegel 译者: Michael Inwood
G. W. F. Hegel's first masterpiece, the Phenomenology of Spirit, is one of the great works of philosophy. It remains, however, one of the most challenging and mysterious books ever written. Michael Inwood presents this central work to the modern reader in an intelligible and accurate new translation. This translation attempts to convey, as accurately as possible, the subtle nuances of the original German text. Inwood also provides a detailed commentary that explains what Hegel is saying at each stage of his argument and also discusses the philosophical issues it raises. This volume will therefore prove invaluable to those who want to get to grips with Hegel's thought processes and to follow his complex argument.
精神现象学(德文迈纳版)-西方哲学经典影印13 2021
The Phenomenology of Spirit University of Notre Dame Press 2019
The Phenomenology of Spirit Cambridge University Press 2018
精神现象学 人民出版社 2017
精神现象学 人民出版社 2015
精神现象学(新校重排本) 世纪文景/上海人民出版社 2013
精神现象学 人民出版社 2013
精神现象学(全三册) 中国社会科学出版社 2007
Phänomenologie des Geistes Felix Meiner Verlag 1988
Phänomenologie des Geistes Reclam, Philipp, jun. GmbH, Verlag 1988
Phenomenology of Spirit Oxford University Press, USA 1977