This game is a two-player game with the theme of the landing operation on Kinmen Island by the People's Republic of China (PRC) army on October 25, 1949. One player is in charge of the PRC army and the other player is in charge of the Republic of China (Taiwan) army.
In historical fact, although the PRC army, which had gained momentum in the previous victories, landed, the lack of preparation and training for the landing operation was remarkable, and only about 9,000 people were able to actually land on Kinmen Island. On the other hand, the Taiwanese army expected the PRC army to land on Kinmen Island, and was waiting for the PRC army with 40,000 troops, including reinforcements from the 18th Army (however, most of the 18th Army arrived after the battle was over). Also, for the PRC army, which had no anti-tank equipment, the M5A1 light tanks of the Taiwanese army were a threat.
In this way, looking back on history, it was an inevitable landing operation, but it is not without the element of "what-if". If the PRC army had more boats ready for landing, if command and control were good, if they chose a different coast for the second landing... In this game, by introducing such "what-if" into the game, the PRC army is also given the possibility of winning.
Issue game of "Banzai Magazine EX" #3.