Search for hidden folks in hand-drawn, interactive, miniature landscapes. Unfurl tent flaps, cut through bushes, slam doors, and poke some crocodiles! Rooooaaaarrrr!!!!!
“I'm sure my niece will spend many hours in this game!”
- Tim Cook, Apple
“absorbing and lightly funny”
- Keith Stuart, theguardian.com
“The lovely, deceptively simple monochrome line drawings are bursting with life, teeming with animations, and completely daft.”
- John Walker, rockpapershotgun.com
“It's utterly charming. From its use of simple design, its variety of themes, its use of interactive animation, and the use of man-made sound.”
- Emily Sowden, pocketgamer.co.uk
“The art is gorgeous, the little touches of animation and sound that have gone into the game provide this exquisite little world for you to poke around in.”
- Carter Dotson, toucharcade.com