


Der Zauberger
上演日期: 2020-11-20
类型: 舞台剧
剧院: 柏林德意志剧院
导演: Sebastian Hartmann
编剧: Thomas Mann

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Der Zauberger


Artistic Team
Sebastian Hartmann Director and set designer
Adriana Braga Peretzki Costume design
Samuel Wiese Music
Tilo Baumgärtel Video animation
Lothar Baumgarte Lighting design
Claus Caesar Dramaturgy
Jan Speckenbach Live stream image control
Marlene Blumert, Max Hohendahl, Dorian Sorg Live stream cameras
Lennart Löttker Scenic video
Peter Stoltz Head of stream
Marcel Braun, Björn Mauder Transmission audio
Marcel Braun, Eric Markert Sound
Elias Arens, Manuel Harder, Markwart Müller-Elmau, Linda Pöppel, Birgit Unterweger, Cordelia Wege, Niklas Wetzel
Samuel Wiese Live music
In his adaptation of Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain, Sebastian Hartmann poses the key question "What is time?" "A secret," Mann writes "– insubstantial and omnipotent. A prerequisite of the external world, a motion intermingled and fused bodies existing and moving in space. But would there be no time if there were no motion? No motion if there were no time? Is time a function of space? Or vice versa? Or are the two identical? Time is active; by nature, it is much like a verb. It both 'ripens' and 'brings forth'. And what does it bring forth? Change! Now is not then, here is not there, for in both cases, motion lies in between. But since we measure time by a circular motion closed in on itself, we could just as easily say that its motion and change are rest and stagnation – for the then is constantly repeated in the now, the there in the here. Moreover, since, despite our best desperate attempts we cannot imagine an end to time or a finite border around space, we have decided to 'think' of them as eternal and infinite – in the apparent belief that even if we are not very successful, this marks some improvement. But is not the very positing of eternity and infinity imply the logical, mathematical negation of things limited and finite, their relative reduction to zero? Is a sequence of events possible in eternity, a juxtaposition of objects in infinity?"
