The Evening Star歌词
The Evening Star
Kiss me softly, kiss me long For come tomorrow you will be gone Into a world of sea and sky Leaving me lonely with the tide
Dream of a distant peaceful shore Away from the pounding waves of war Where we can lift our hearts on high And join our hands across the sky
'Neath silver sails like wings in flight That touch the moon and split the night The westward winds shall guide your path Star strands on high shall bring you back
Through the icy teeth of night My love for you shall be the light Casting a glimmer from afar When you behold the Evening star
The waves that break upon my heart Shall sound as sighs while we are apart May sword and shield keep you from harm Till you are safe within my arms
Over the ocean deep and green Forever this beacon shall be seen Casting a glimmer from afar When you behold the Evening star
Take on this voyage all my prayers My heart will have wings to meet you there To kiss you softly, kiss you long Beyond the gleaming gates of dawn
简单翻译了一版, 供参考
离别之吻,轻浅绵长 明日将至,待你远航 远赴世间,海天一色 留我在此,潮起潮落
梦回犹愿,彼岸宁安 远离争端,惊涛骇浪 彼此心意,寄托高天 遥遥之途,携手共度
银帆之下,白翼伸展 轻拂月船,划开夜色 徐风向西,指明归处 星汉高悬,带你返途
夜幕利齿,寒如冰刃 我心系之,为你照亮 闪闪明灯,熠熠光华 暮星高悬,引你注目
白浪拍岸,碎在我心 离别之时,声如叹息 剑挡盾阻,愿抵伤毁 直至安然,回我怀中
海深无尽,幽幽碧水 其上烽火,永为存续 闪闪明灯,熠熠光华 暮星高悬,引你注目
漫漫航程,携我祈愿 我心生翼,与君相会 离别之吻,轻浅绵长 同赴曙门,共赏朝阳
这专辑2012年出了第二版, 加了几首曲子, 可以从Amazon或者iTunes里购买. iTunes里购买专辑可以附送一本50页的digital booklet. 相信这里的歌词是从里面得来的