Adding ALT text to social cards media
2024 was a nice year for #opensource contributions in my side
Improvement of l10n / i18n for @IceCubesApp @impressia and also for Tella, Monal, #OsmAnd and Strongbox #iOS apps.
Some #a11y guidelines on have been updated.
I was mainly focused that year on the two design systems of #Orange, with the last one taking a lot of my time (
Not that bad in the end
If your app supports multiple languages you can test it on device in another language without changing your entire device's language with a per app setting.
It even works with widgets!
This is not the case with some per-app accessibility settings, which I did open feedback about.
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#ecodesign #ecoconception #opensource #a11y #i18n #androiddev #iosdev #webdev #VieDeDev
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