Good morning. ⏰🫘☕
2 July 2024
They say age is just a number ... hah. They have a surprise coming for them. But it is something we all go through, if we live long enough, that is. Age can feel like just a number up to a certain point, and that point varies for each individual. For me, it was around the age of 60. For others it might come sooner or later, mostly sooner, me thinks. You're on your horse until one day something knocks you off. There comes the point when the game of life changes. For most of us we are no longer out front trying to play the game, but back in the shadows unnoticed. Some people might continue leap forward into the light, for me ... I like the solitude.
“I covet truth; beauty is unripe childhood's cheat; I leave it behind with the games of youth.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emerson's Prose and Poetry
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