Perhaps I need an #introduction.
I am the goddess Anoia.
I am the goddess of things stuck in drawers. And volcanoes.
I mostly watch the #discworld but have been known to stray into roundworld so it's best to stay on my good side.
Every time you swear at a stuck drawer, I am there. Rattle them and pray.
I may branch out into looking after things that fall down the back of unmovable furniture, and coins found in sofas.
2025/02/18 编辑
把碟形世界城邦警队系列的安利(暴言)长文整出来了! 中文翻译的资源下载也附在文中,请大家来看看特里·普拉切特写的很好的碟形世界(词穷)
Edited 21d ago