親愛的首頁各位whovian象友們,如果你們沒有聽說:DW Proms【神秘博士逍遙音樂會】今年回歸了,八月26日Royal Albert Hall絕贊售票中:
RTD上线了一大堆 #doctorwho 剧本。
提醒一下首页,那个老版重剪Tales of the TARDIS会在下周S01季终前放出第七集,不算只有电影的八任,前六集唯独缺四任博士。
(I mean我也)
#神秘博士 #DoctorWho
★新一季片段抢先看(见圣诞特辑幕后揭秘《未释放》结尾-B站up@ Zetland):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ST4y1s7vm
#DoctorWho 新预告
当15说着“No idea”的时候我出现了一些10的de javu,当15对着Ruby妈保证“I'll keep her safe, I promise.”的时候我知道完蛋了,这是个10plus(
Via Russell T Davies, stay tuned on March 15 for some #DoctorWho news…
关注的乌克兰剪辑大手在4天前(俄罗斯侵略战争2周年)发布了 #DoctorWho 剪辑MV:It's Not A Game
这个视频不是一般意义上的(ta之前剪的那种)Doctor Who剪辑,而是用Doctor Who的台词画面重组出了作者本人作为乌克兰人对这场战争的控诉、痛苦和抗争,类似于拼贴诗。作为剧粉可能会注意到不少台词的含义与原来的语境不同,但是作为人,在作者充满愤怒的泪水和呐喊面前,是无法不动容的。
#神秘博士 #DoctorWho
[FLYINE幻翔]DW60周年特辑1评论视频 The Star Beast commentary
翻译:半亩 羽林郎 莓莓 Zetland Tina鱼 薛音
时间轴:瓦片 Zetland
★度盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DSzzBsRsVESuqVyUGGAXdg?pwd=dwdw 提取码:dwdw
想起了CC写的#DoctorWho 里的牙牙怪,又被恶心得一哆嗦。
We are incredibly excited about the news that the Ninth Doctor and Rose will have brand new adventures together from Big Finish!
Disney reveal that #DoctorWho was one of their biggest hits last year, with every single episode featuring in their Top 5 chart.
The Christmas Special reached Top 10 over the Christmas period.
I never did get around to writing an #introduction over here, did I? Not sure there's much point anymore, but here goes:
I'm rainey and I'm a shy weirdo who needs encouragement to let my freak flag fly. When I'm not being ooky, I'm shamelessly appreciating cute kittens and the like. (Here I pause and reach out to pet @netkitty ) Gen X, child-free, married, and an abject failure at adulting. The sunflower in my display name is the "invisible disability" symbol.
This is my third Mastodon account and second "definitely probably not a cult" experience (the first being pretty much the only reason I'm still on reddit). My first Masto account is @raineyday [MSTDN.games] where I talk about #GenshinImpact a lot, and my second is @raineyday@neurodifferent.me [NeuroDifferent.me] because I'm not autistic but I do have #ADHD and #Tourette, although I don't post to the second one very often and when I do, it tends to be boosts, memes, and information-seeking.
Anyhow, if you can't tell from my avatars, I'm a fan of the #AddamsFamily and #DoctorWho. I also despise #spoilers with the blazing heat of a trillion trillion suns, so always ask "How caught up are you with XYZ?" before discussing with me (and ponder for a moment why "Have you gotten to the part where they--?" is a terrible horrible no-good very bad way to ask).
I created this account on a Wednesday the 13th (naturally), but the timestamp on my account page got messed up and fails to reflect this. It's goth erasure, I'm tellin' ya! 🦇
I write blog-like toots on Wednesdays (of course) under the hashtag #raineyWednesday and tag @weirdfolks
I do my best to write good #AltText for my images. Even when I have low spoons, I strive for a bare minimum of "acceptable". I have similar standards for what I will boost. If there is no alt-text or it is insufficient, I will either leave it or I will "steal" the image to post myself with better alt-text. This applies to all of my accounts, of course.
I come to Mastodon for virtual human interaction and fun times, and while it's nice to take a break from politics and the news, please don't mistake that for me being so-called "apolitical". I am quite progressive-left and often wonder how it came to be that I had to trade in the label of "liberal" for that. Perhaps a combination of I moved forward a little bit and they moved backwards a lot? But that's enough of that topic. This is just background info, not my desired focus.
About Cain A Fox • He/They/Fae • 33 yo
Sub Bi/Pan #Queer Trans Masc
🔞Minors DNI 🔞
Self-medicated 🍃 w/ cPTSD, OCD & ADHD
#Astrology Aquarius Sun/Moon/Mercury • Aries Rising
sfw interests: #DoctorWho #Witchcraft #FantasyFiction #SciFi #GenshinImpact #Reading #Horror #MediaDiscussion #Tattoos
nsfw interests: #PraiseKink #CumSlut #SizeKink #ImpactPlay #SpicyContentCreator