Let's not miss or ignore what is happening around the world and specifically in America: As we see hostilities grow over the next few years under a guise of necessity, progress, and security, and perhaps to unfathomable distress, we will witness a subtle yet more powerful undercurrent of grace, generosity, and peace at times that runs, constantly available, to get us successfully through what is coming, should we stay open and receptive to such often gentle persuasions.
Edited 54d ago
Seems as good a day as any to release this new edition for sale.
#GeorgeOrwell #NineteenEightyFour #novel #book #bookstodon #dystopia
#Newspeak IS our #UbiquitousLanguage for #DDD of Society in 2025. Almost!
Next time when #Orwell and #Huxley come up in #discourse remember:
We live in #dystopia NOW!
Unseen by our #DistractionEconomy blindfolds.
We're the frogs for years, taking a nice warm bath to unsee #RootCause of #ClimateChange temperature rise:
Vice has free reign as #truth is destroyed.
We MUST be #Plainspeaking
We MUST use #CommonSense
We MUST restore #Reality