My Rep, stepping up. Calls and pressure WORK.
#Michigan #Coup #Fascism #CLEARAct
"According to a press release from Scholten’s office, the Consistent Legal Expectations and Access to Records (CLEAR) Act, clarifies that temporary organizations like DOGE are subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)."
"Even if at the end of the day, that process doesn’t result in an injunction stopping Trump from doing what he’s doing, lawsuits and the process around lawsuits help to bring to light information about what’s going on. They both help to publicize what’s going on, because the fact of a lawsuit and legal proceedings will get reported by journalists and become a focal point for public discussion, but also in the process of a lawsuit, you have opportunities for courts to order the defendants to provide information to the plaintiffs,” he said."
-Legal guy, in the article