Initially, Linus Torvalds wanted to call the kernel he developed Freax (a combination of "free", "freak", and the letter X to indicate that it was a Unix-like system), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was first hosted, named Torvalds' directory linux. So, the name "Linux" (Linus Unix) was stuck. The rest is history.
Premodernist makes in-depth history videos, covering all historical periods and geographical regions. You can follow at:
There are already over 20 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at
Would especially recommend the video on time travel! 😀
You can also follow Premodernist's general social media account at
cc @histodons
#FeaturedPeerTube #History #Historians #PeerTube #PeerTubers
Evolution of problem-solving throughout the ages! #StoneAge to #ComputerAge
#History #Evolution #Cartoon #Humor #Technology #ProblemSolving #ComicStrip #Throwback #TechHumor
Apollo 11 moon landing - Exceptionally good audio-video recreation! 👍️
* "heart" near lunar lander silhouette: Armstrong's heartbeat. Ice water. 😯
* exemplar training/teamwork
First Men on Moon: Apollo 11 Lunar Landing
Experience Apollo 11 Lunar Landing
Apollo 11:
Apollo in real-time:
#history #MoonLanding #NASA #Apollo11 #NeilArmstrong #BuzzAldrin #MichaelCollins #GeneKranz #CharlieDuke
Here it is, my latest book, and my first one in Swedish! Lilla boken om Panos: historien om den ikoniska badmodedesignern is now out in Sweden, and looks at the swimwear designs of Panos Papadopoulos from the 1980s through to 2020. More at published by Tukan förlag, and available now through Adlibris, Bokus, and other retailers in Sweden and Finland. #book #history #fashion #mode #moda #bok #swimwear #trends #bookstodon
We've been publishing stories all year related to our 70th anniversary, but today marks the actual date that the Texas Observer published its first issue in 1954, with the top story dedicated to a retail workers' #strike in Port Arthur:
#journalism #history #media #nonprofit #news #Texas #politics #USpol
读过 Step Aside, Pops 🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑
比 Hark! A Vagrant 先看这本的原因是底下的作者注释比较少,嗯,跟作者电波不合,不大笑得出来,不就是塞点私货到历史人物口里吗?恶搞得不刁钻,punchline 也不犀利,还是 pbf 那些够狠够疯癫。
读过 Economy Hall 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
[Made in NOLA] 一堆險些被當廢紙處理的破舊日誌記載的竟是延續百年的紐奧良黑人社群協作和抗爭的歷史。從這些破舊記錄裡還原的一個個鮮活個體的故事竟可以一直延續到作者著手調查和寫作的過程中,從可以在這些日誌找到自己祖先的左鄰右舍,到見證社團舊址最後一刻命運的父母摯友,更不用說熟識的樂界泰斗無不將這個曾經位於 Treme 社區裡的小樓尊為爵士樂的聖堂。所以說嘛,我們在紐奧良的小學從來沒教過愛國歌曲,coz New Orleans is way much Greater than this sick country. 真是受不了沒文化的北方佬“my country my country”地叨叨叨…NOLA獨立 刻不容緩!
ProPublica Updates Its Database of Museums’ and Universities’ Compliance With Federal Repatriation Law
Institutions across the U.S. returned more than 10,300 Native American ancestors to tribes in 2024, making it the third-biggest year for repatriation under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
#News #Native #Indigenous #History #Museum #University #Law #Data
Martian Memories
Special-Effects Spirit Silhouetted on "Jibsheet"
Created using a photorealistic model of the rover and a false-color mosaic captured at sunset by its panoramic camera on May 19, 2005 (Sol 489). Credit: NASA/JPL-Solar System Visualization Team
#Mars #Spirit #Sol489 #Jibsheet #sunset #GusevCrater #Gusev #crater #rover #SpiritRover #Martian #solarsystem #memories #space #science #history #STEM #astrodon #geology #SpecialFX #FX #visualization #NASA #JPL
On this day in 1983, the ARPANET network officially switched to using the TCP/IP protocol, effectively creating the Internet.
"January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other."
🔴 📰 🎥 Paleography and the Book Lecture “Where Did Newspaper Typeface Come From?”
“UChicago visiting scholar David Ganz discussed how influential scripts such as Caroline minuscule and Italian Humanistic served as models for typefaces like Times New Roman.”
#Video length: one hour and twenty one minutes.
#Lecture #Paleography #Book #Books #Bookstodon #Script #History #Histodon #Histodons #Typeface #Fonts #Typography #Newspaper #TimesNewRoman @bookstodon @histodon @histodons
#OnThisDay, 19 Apr 1967, Katherine Switzer becomes the first woman to complete the Boston Marathon as a registered runner, despite the organiser physically trying to stop her.
She ran it again in 2017, 50 years later.
The Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 competition is now open!
Join the world's largest photography competition by uploading your photos of listed buildings and scheduled monuments to the wiki projects.
Find out how to enter the UK competition:
#architecture #archeology #castles #heritage #history #wikilovesmonuments
On this day in 1927, the president of the AT&T called the secretary of the General Post Office of Great Britain to test the first commercial telephone line across the Atlantic Ocean.
"Today is the result of many years of research and experimentation. [...] No one can foresee the ultimate significance of this latest achievement of science and organization."
The account I just boosted, Athena Productions, has done lots of amusing gonzo-like brief videos about history. They hadn't posted in three years before today, but it looks like they're back so you might want to give them a follow:
(NOTE: There may be swearing!)
They've already posted over 80 videos so far. If these haven't federated to your server, you can browse them all at:
#FeaturedPeerTube #History #AncientHistory #PeerTube #PeerTubers
#OnThisDay, 16 Jan 1970, Dilma Rousseff, a member of the Brazilian guerrilla movement against the military government, was arrested. She was labelled the “Joan of Arc” of the movement.
In 2011 she became the first woman to be president of Brazil.
How Segregated Are Your Local Private Schools? We Made a Tool to Help You Find Out.
Our reporters mined a trove of data that revealed detailed demographic information about private schools. That helped us find illuminating stories about how those schools divide communities.
Containing 10,000+ items, the Public Domain Image Archive is a vast trove of illustrations, prints, scans, and more, all downloadable and free for use.
To continue the Anarchist Sunday School, I found the Arte documentary *No Gods, No Masters: A History of Anarchism* via Peertube.
Unfortunately without playlist, so I made one myself:
I shared this years ago as well, but it now it has five parts, instead of three. The newer parts are about the period after the Second World War. Those are with French audio, but it has multiple subtitles. Enjoy!
Memory-Holing Jan. 6: What Happens When You Try to Make History Vanish?
The Trump administration’s decision to delete a DOJ database of cases against Capitol riot defendants places those who seek to preserve the historical record in direct opposition to their own government.
On this day in 1938, BBC Television aired the first science fiction TV program, an adaptation of a section of the Karel Čapek play R.U.R.. This play is also famous for coining the term "robot" from robota, or "forced labor", derived from "rab", meaning "slave".
Article from 2016:
More about the play:
"There were very few websites that went beyond text at the start of '94, so to begin with people didn't quite know what to make of [Internet Underground Music Archive]."
#music #history #MusicHistory #internet #TheWeb #InternetHistory #InternetUndergroundMusicArchive #IUMA