#Hollo finally has #Misskey/#Threads-style quotes! It's easy to use. Just paste the link to the post you want to quote into your post! It will automatically recognize a link to an ActivityPub post (supports Article, Note, and Question) and turn it into a quote.
FYI, if you're using #Phanpy, you can use the Quote button that appears when you press the boost icon!
Hollo 0.3.0 released! #Hollo is a single-user federated microblogging software which is #ActivityPub-enabled and powered by #Fedify.
The key changes of this release include:
Thanks to @joschi, Hollo now support local filesystem storage for media files. You can configure DRIVE_DISK=fs and FS_ASSET_PATH to store media files in the local filesystem. For users who've used S3, no further action is required—but, it's recommended to configure DRIVE_DISK=s3 as DRIVE_DISK will be required in the future releases.
Added support for Sentry. If you want to see error reports and instrumented traces in Sentry, please configure SENTRY_DSN.
Added pagination to the profile page.
Minor performance improvements and bug fixes due to upgrading Fedify to 1.3.0.
You can upgrade to Hollo 0.3.0 using the following ways:
To Railway users: Just redeploy the Hollo service!
To Docker users: Switch your Hollo image to ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.3.0 or simply latest!
To manual installers: Fetch the stable branch and switch over to it!
#Hollo is currently testing #Node.js instead of #Bun. (In fact, the hollo.social server is already running on Node.js!) If this test is successful, starting with the next release, Hollo will be powered by Node.js instead of Bun.
The main reason for switching to Node.js is to optimize memory usage. As you can see in the graph image below, Node.js uses significantly less memory than Bun. With this switch, Hollo is expected to be even more lightweight than before!
Are you interested in trying out the Node.js version of Hollo early? Try to pull ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.4.0-dev.290!
For those who want to use #Hollo on @ivory: #Ivory evolved from the Tweetbot codebase, which was a third-party Twitter client, so it assumes that object IDs are integers. Hollo uses UUIDs for object IDs, so it can't be used with Ivory at this time. We hope that Ivory will support non-integer object IDs in the future!
Starting with #Hollo 0.4.0, you can allow your profile to be discovered in the public directory. Under the hood, this option corresponds to Mastodon's toot:discoverable property.
One hidden feature of #Hollo: You can also quote another post while replying to someone else's post.
Hollo 0.4.0 released! #Hollo is a single-user federated microblogging software which is #ActivityPub-enabled and powered by #Fedify.
The key changes of this release include:
Hollo is now powered by Node.js 23+ instead of Bun for more efficient memory usage.
Added an experimental feature flag TIMELINE_INBOXES to store all posts visible to your timeline in the database, rather than filtering them in real-time as they are displayed. This is useful for relatively larger instances with many incoming posts, but as of now it may have several bugs. It is expected to be the default behavior in the future after it is stabilized.
Now you can import and export your data from the administration dashboard in CSV format: follows, lists, accounts you muted, accounts you blocked, and bookmarks.
You can now make your profile discoverable.
The profile page now shows an account's cover image if it has one.
Many bug fixes.
For the details, see also the full changelog.
You can upgrade to Hollo 0.4.0 using the following ways:
To Railway users: Just redeploy the Hollo service!
To Docker users: Switch your Hollo image to ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:0.4.0 or simply latest!
To manual installers:
Install Node.js 23 or higher.
Fetch the stable branch and switch over to it.
Run pnpm install.
Run pnpm run prod to start the Hollo server.
Have you been having trouble fetching accounts or posts from #Akkoma that have custom emojis in #Hollo?
This is because they represent an Emoji object as an invalid JSON-LD object. Fortunately, this patch fixes that issue, so keep an eye out for it.
Found 11 new servers and 18 servers died off since 7 hours ago.
22,230 servers checked. 13,431,920 Total Users with 1,027,115 Active Users today. Check out the stats!
New #fediverse servers found:
hollo.ssig33.com a #hollo server from Private
diaspora.delaylama.de a #diaspora server from France
mastodon.mulesgaming.com a #mastodon server from Private
cabamacnagoya.harumaki2000.net a #misskey server from Private
pl.firelink.digital a #pleroma server from Private
kurage.homes a #sharkey server from Germany
social.seedoubleyou.me a #gotosocial server from United Arab Emirates
this-email-list.ispants.com a #wordpress server from United Kingdom
altair.nyoroooon.xyz a #nexkey server from Private
fedi.merta.xyz a #gotosocial server from United States
lvgaldieri.com a #wordpress server from United States
Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer
10月26日(土)に開催されるOSC 2024 Tokyo/FallにFedify/Hollo合同で出展します!可愛いFedifyのロゴのシールと『自分だけのフェディバースのマイクロブログを作ろう!』日本語版の紙の本を持って行く予定です。よろしくお願いします。
In related news, #Hollo has also released #security updates: 0.3.6 & 0.4.4. Update now!
The #Hollo repository has moved from @dahlia/hollo to @fedify-dev/hollo! Along with this move, our #Docker image registry has also been relocated from ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo to ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo.
While the old image registry will remain accessible, it won't receive any new tags. We recommend all Hollo users to update their Docker image references to the new registry address.
To update your Docker configurations, please change:
From: ghcr.io/dahlia/hollo:latest
To: ghcr.io/fedify-dev/hollo:latest
The migration ensures better project organization and continued development. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making this transition smooth!