Ir doma, ka #DzīvoklisKuldīgā varētu būt arī "gudrs" (nav baigais iemesls, bet ... kādēļ ne). Tagad domāju kāda sistēma būtu piemērota, lai saplānotu visu pirms remonts visu nosedz. Tā teikt - #GudrāMāja . ZInu, ka overkill, bet... intereses pēc gribas palasīt pieredzi. Kā informācijas sistēmu, skatos #HomeAssistant ir, laikam populārs.
Today’s #HomeAutomation own-goal: Having my bedroom light switch on when my phone connects to the house WiFi. I did not account for my iPhone updating and rebooting itself at 2.30am…
Updated #introduction
I currently live in #austin #austinTx; in the process of moving to #portland #pdx
I'm interested in #openSource #linux #selfHosted #homeAutomation #homeAssistant
I advocate for #civicTech #openData
Past #library commissioner, #communityTech commissioner, and Code for America brigade captain
I occasionally post photos of #cooking, #bread, #pizza, and Franklin the #cat. You're welcome.