Deep into a Canadian #caturday
Sorry... 😂 (stolen from IG)
Edit: As I'm not the owner, here's where I got it from:
Break in case of #caturday
It's Sunday, so here's your Jesus-related cat content.
#cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #Sunday #humor #humour
This made me smile this morning (and lets be frank we could all do with a smile on a Friday morning):
The Alternative Heritage Plaque for John Venn - the inventor of the Venn diagram - in his birthplace Kingston upon Hull in Yorkshire.
As much as I apporve of this creativity. If you have a book you don't want (I know but it could happen, theoretically) give it to a thriftstore, that's where I get most of my books 😁
@libraries @librarians @bookbubble @bookstodon
#Book #Books #BookMemes
#Library #LibraryMemes #Memes #Libraries #Librarians #Humor #Humour
#Bookstodon #Bookworm #Bookwyrm #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
What trans women REALLY get up to in the bathroom
Via @Mercury_Stardust
J'ai passé le week-end entourée de gens se questionnant sur quitter ou non insta et quel endroit est safe... je peux vous dire que j'ai plus prononcé le mot "Mastodon" ce week-end que le prénom de mon mari (déso mon amour)
#MastoPub #humour #Propagande #ViveMasto
Man I #Cân’t Even walk outside to see a tank and this cat on the top that looks like Mr. Hilter.
Departed Humour: GLitcH! Printer Frustrations
Enjoy the humour in this comic strip from circa 2000 where Norb expresses his frustration when trying to print files on the computer called GLitcH!