#SeaMonkey #Mozilla #Internet #nostalgia
#SeaMonkey #Mozilla #Internet #nostalgia
Kurz erklärt:
Der Thymos bezeichnet seit der griechischen Antike das Streben nach Status.
Die Timokratie bezeichnet in der Staatstheorie die Herrschaft durch Geld.
Die Thymokratie bezeichnet dagegen die Herrschaft durch das Internet.
Sie löst gerade an immer mehr Orten die Demokratie ab.
#Thymos #Status #Timokratie #Kapitalismus #Thymokratie #Internet #Demokratie #Philosophie #Politikwissenschaft #Geschichte https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/begriffsklaerung-thymos-oligarchische-timokratie-ki-digitale-thymokratie/
Happy birthday, CSS!
"The first CSS specification to become an official W3C Recommendation is CSS level 1, published on 17 December 1996."
"CSS stood out because it was simple, especially compared to some of its earliest competitors."
This morning, I took my wife to the hospital for routine blood tests that had been scheduled for some time. Everything was going smoothly: check-in, number, waiting room. Suddenly, everything came to a halt and shut down. I was connected to the hospital’s public Wi-Fi and noticed that my connection also went down.
Having managed a couple of similar facilities, I immediately understood what had happened. I saw the staff panicking and calling the technicians, but they quickly reorganized within 10 minutes. They managed to process everyone who already had a number and then proceeded with the others in the order of their arrival. Despite the ten-minute delay (even though people started complaining right away), they were extremely efficient.
I later confirmed that the entire booking, check-in, and queue system is “in the cloud.” The hospital experienced a connectivity interruption, and all related services stopped. The staff no longer had access to anything, so a technician sent the lists to a manager via another channel, and everything resumed manually.
For years, I’ve insisted that certain things MUST be local. The healthcare facilities I manage have all the necessary systems for the operation of the facility internally, including patient records. External services like websites, emails, etc., are secondary.
Everything essential must always be accessible locally and, in special cases, it should be possible to physically access the servers and connect directly to them, bypassing any network/switch failures.
There has been only one interruption in the past, due to human error. Today, we have redundant servers (not HA on virtualizers, but two machines running the same software with replicated databases - on separate power lines) so such an issue shouldn’t happen anymore.
Not everything can be anticipated, but history is a great teacher. The Internet connection will eventually be interrupted :-)
When it comes to the health and survival of people, there are no compromises.
#IT #Internet #Networking #Outage #Health #HA #Cloud #CloudComputing #OwnYourData
Microsoft banned Palestinians from its products because they called their families in Gaza on Skype.
I’ve met Palestinians who’ve lost their relatives in Israeli bombardments. People involved in Gaza humanitarian aid.
American corporations can cut them off from essential internet/communication services on a lark.
#Microsoft #Internet #Gaza #Palestine #Email #Skype #Outlook #Online #Digital #DigitalRights
Thoughts on making a "Web of Data" instead of a "Web of Pages", and how that might let us take a step away from the dominance of large, complicated browsers.
The article is kind of a summary of responses I gave to @smallcircles 's interesting post and other replies here:
Every once in a while I come across a post that goes something like this: "Hey, I built this very cool tool that lets you do this really useful thing. [Link]" And sometimes (like 1 in 100 cases or so) I would really like to try that tool, because it would really be useful to me too. Or at least interesting or fun to try. (In contrast to all the other tools that are built for developers and not for ley persons like I am.) But then the link to that tool goes to github and I'm lost. 🤣
This is not a complaint. I just realise that there are so many amazing things going on "behind the scenes", or rather in various niches, that I won't have access to -- and people who aren't even interested in peaking behind those scenes or looking into those niches will never even know about. Technology, the web, digital communication holds such a huge potential. And only a fraction of us will ever tap it.
I also realise that I'm interested in way too many things. I don't understand most of them and never will, because my brain has limits. I should focus more on things I can understand. 😅
#internet #SocialMedia #technology
Happy New Year 2009, from One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age!
"The last year of GeoCities has started. The closure announcement will come on April 23, 2009."
An #ITU study https://www.itu.int/itu-d/reports/statistics/2024/11/10/ff24-internet-traffic/ reports that we transferred over 7 zettabytes of #Internet traffic in 2024. However, the authors do not describe what all those data actually were.
Therefore, I have performed extensive research to classify every byte, and I can now share this summary of the purposes of all the year's traffic.
Happy New Year!
On this day in 1983, the ARPANET network officially switched to using the TCP/IP protocol, effectively creating the Internet.
"January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other."
Speaking of online communities, is your personal website part of a webring?
#indieweb #webring #PersonalWebsite #internet #TheWeb #community
Options: (choose one)
Love this! A 22-page DIY web archiving zine that "shows you why everyone should participate in preserving the things on the web they care about, and how anyone can do so (no special expertise required!)".
#internet #TheWeb #archiving #WebArchiving
Made by @quinnanya, @Literature_Geek, and bunch of other awesome folks, found via @lavaeolus https://fedihum.org/@lavaeolus/113873744698219704
"Relational creation means recognizing the value that others have brought to you, and wanting to acknowledge it publicly. That means crediting… that means linking."
I probably already mentioned it, but https://www.deadweb.club is a pretty interesting project that aims to connect people interested in exploring "defunct social media platforms, abandoned 3D worlds, and forgotten blogs".
Their newsletter hasn't been very active, but they just announced a new member joining the team, so definitely worth (re-)subscribing.
"This is, after all, the ephemeral truth of the Internet: if you don’t save it, even if it seems like it’s everywhere momentarily, it will just as quickly disappear."
#internet #TheWeb #InternetArchive #DigitalPreservation #archiving
"There were very few websites that went beyond text at the start of '94, so to begin with people didn't quite know what to make of [Internet Underground Music Archive]."
#music #history #MusicHistory #internet #TheWeb #InternetHistory #InternetUndergroundMusicArchive #IUMA
"The key to [Beverly Hills Internet]'s initial growth over 1995 was helping people who had no technical knowledge of HTML to build a web page on the internet. It offered a “Personal GeoPage Generator” that enabled homesteaders to easily create a home page.
But more than that, and as the name for its users implied, Bohnett wanted to give people the sense that they had a home on the internet."