I think most SDF members are capable of doing this if they have bandwidth and room.
ArchiveTeam Warrior - Archiveteam
#Archiving #InternetArchive
I think most SDF members are capable of doing this if they have bandwidth and room.
ArchiveTeam Warrior - Archiveteam
#Archiving #InternetArchive
In light of the Internet Archive losing its appeal to hachette, I just wanted to point out some websites you should avoid:
* https://annas-archive.li/
* https://downmagaz.net/
* https://ebook-hunter.org/
* https://forcoder.net/
* https://freemagazines.top/
* https://liber3.eth.limo/
If you were to download books from these websites, you might cut into hachette's more than three billion dollars of annual revenue. So make sure to avoid those websites and the following:
* https://libgen.is/
* https://oceanofpdf.com/
* https://pdfroom.com/
* https://pdfstop.com/
* https://pdfdrive.to/
* https://pdfmagazines.club/
* https://sci-hub.se/
* https://singlelogin.re/
* ... or any of the other sites listed at https://rentry.co/megathread-books
"This is, after all, the ephemeral truth of the Internet: if you don’t save it, even if it seems like it’s everywhere momentarily, it will just as quickly disappear."
#internet #TheWeb #InternetArchive #DigitalPreservation #archiving
Today I discovered that a Doctor Strange movie was made in 1978.
It is available from the Internet Archive for streaming or download.
#Marvel #DoctorStrange #InternetArchive