住在安省打算给省选投票的,可以到 https://voterinformationservice.elections.on.ca/en/election/search?mode=postalCode 按照邮编搜索离你家最近的投票点,可以提前投票~
To those Ontarians considering voting anything but ABC in the upcoming prov. election, just have a quick look at what's going on in #Alberta,
where every deeply unpopular thing the #UCP promised they wouldn't do in order to get elected was just a sneer signal to their base projecting policies they would enact, regardless of what the overwhelming majority of Albertans want, think, or really need.
Just the biggest fucks given by this city... We encountered 3 of these snow walls at 8:15 AM on 3 different sections of sidewalk. Rock hard snow left like this overnight. Snow clearing methods are archaic, ableist, and are predicated on making sure people driving can drive as fast as possible as soon as possible and fuck everyone else #ottawa #winter #ontario #onpoli