Good Mornin' #OTD
" I always have a quotation for everything - it saves original thinking."
Have His Carcase
English author, poet, and playwright Dorothy L. Sayers died #OTD in 1957. Sayers is most famous for her detective novels featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, an aristocratic amateur sleuth. She wrote several plays, including The Zeal of Thy House and The Man Born to Be King. Sayers also translated major works, notably Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Dorothy L. Sayers at PG:
#OtD 20 Dec 1973 Spanish fascist PM due to succeed Franco, Luis Carrero Blanco, was assassinated and dubbed "Spain's first astronaut" as his car was blown over a five-storey building. His death was credited by some as hastening the return to democracy's-successor-assassinated
On this day in 1983, the ARPANET network officially switched to using the TCP/IP protocol, effectively creating the Internet.
"January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other."
#OnThisDay, 19 Apr 1967, Katherine Switzer becomes the first woman to complete the Boston Marathon as a registered runner, despite the organiser physically trying to stop her.
She ran it again in 2017, 50 years later.
On this day in 1927, the president of the AT&T called the secretary of the General Post Office of Great Britain to test the first commercial telephone line across the Atlantic Ocean.
"Today is the result of many years of research and experimentation. [...] No one can foresee the ultimate significance of this latest achievement of science and organization."
#OtD 12 Jan 1989 punks were identified as the main problem in a "youth analysis" by the East German govt. Punks were surveilled, arrested and beaten, had their mohawks cut off, movements restricted and badjacketed if they refused to be informants
#OnThisDay, 16 Jan 1970, Dilma Rousseff, a member of the Brazilian guerrilla movement against the military government, was arrested. She was labelled the “Joan of Arc” of the movement.
In 2011 she became the first woman to be president of Brazil.
#OtD 16 Oct 1854 Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland. Moving to London, he became an advocate of libertarian socialism and an early inspiration for what would become a movement for LGBT+ rights. More LGBT+ history in our pod:
On this day in 1938, BBC Television aired the first science fiction TV program, an adaptation of a section of the Karel ÄŚapek play R.U.R.. This play is also famous for coining the term "robot" from robota, or "forced labor", derived from "rab", meaning "slave".
Article from 2016:
More about the play:
On this day in 2000, Nupedia, a multi-language online encyclopedia, and predecessor of Wikipedia, was launched.
"Unlike Wikipedia, Nupedia was not a wiki; it was instead characterized by an extensive peer-review process, designed to make its articles of a quality comparable to that of professional encyclopedias."