However you might be feeling about NPR, this is an excellent podcast, esp season 2, and so relevant right now.
started listening - #642 - Ferréz | Francamente com Tainan Franco
Faz alguns anos que acompanho Ferréz e não conhecia essa história das caixas de livros. Bem legal o podcast, primeiro episódio que assisto (vi no Youtube).
SAV sur Radio Canut s15ep14
Un mix de morceaux variés, des années 1970 à aujourd’hui ! Au programme : deux vieux groupes de punk japonais (Aunt Sally, INU), du punk danois (Lost Kids, Gorilla Angreb), quelques classiques post-punk (Martha and the Muffins, Bow wow wow, Bauhaus, Young marble giants), une touche de pop (Jeanines) et de musique synthétique (Moderne), une balade signée Nico et divers groupes de punk/hardcore d’hier (Cheryl, Fatal Microbes, Black Randy & the metrosquads, Hans-a-plast, New Hearts, Heimat-los, Really Red) et d’aujourd’hui (Hygiene, D.L.I.M.C.).
#radio #podcast #sav #radiocanut #punk #indie #pop #postpunk
欢迎收听我的新播客: 出厂设置 Other Than Default。这是一档关于科技行业非“默认”的 stereotypical tech bro 形象人群的生活方式播客。播客的英文名 other than default 算是一种对提到科技行业大家只会默认想到 tech bro 以及顺直男性作为“默认”性别这种社会现状的反抗,中文名”出厂设置”则是对除了我们的预设社会角色和职场中的角色还能有哪些不同的侧面的可能性的期待。
本来我是有点反感做职场博主的,毕竟我本人也没什么事业心,而且市面上很多充满成功学和套路的半瓶水懂王职场内容太多也让我对这个话题有些抵触。但最近突然福至心灵觉得 representation matters,可能也是找工时候看了太多一亩三分地上满口 bullshit 还特别笃定地信口开河误导人的懂王们,觉得如果一直反感现有的职场风气而逃避这个话题的话那更让这个群体只能被不喜欢的刻板印象所代表了,所以就有了这个播客。
其实五位嘉宾我都在十月上旬上班前采访完了,不过拖拖拉拉到现在才剪出来第一期。先发出来上期,剩下的慢慢剪。节目想聊的 backlog 话题也已攒了不少,不过听众朋友/博友/象友们要是有内容、形式和话题的建议甚至想自告奋勇上节目的话,都欢迎联系我。
Apple Podcast:
@bnrnieuwsradio nodigt @laurenshof uit in hun #podcast De Technoloog om te praten over de stand van zaken rondom X-alternatief
'Kan #Bluesky de schaal bereiken van grote sociale netwerken zoals #twitter? Hoe effectief zijn decentrale netwerken in het behouden van een gezonde en veilige community? Wat zijn de lange termijn businessmodellen voor platforms zoals Bluesky?'
Luister de #podcast van De Technoloog van @bnrnieuwsradio terug.
Over de toekomst van Bluesky en de #Fediverse.
"In deze aflevering bespreken Mark en Ben samen met hun gast Laurens Hof (@laurenshof) van Fediverse Report de toekomst van sociale netwerken. En dan in het bijzonder decentrale sociale netwerken."
💾 NEW PODCAST!💾 We took a look at MDK, developed by Shiny Entertainment and released in 1997.
This game is quite the change for the team who put this together, as previously they were known for bright cartoony platformers such as Cool Spot, Aladdin and Earthworm Jim.
But despite their unfamiliarity with developing 3D shooters, MDK was very well received at the time.
What's it like to play it now? Let's find out!
🧵 1/8 Why you have to wait for another episode of my #podcast #NatureMatchCuts
No one has yet dared to ask where the next episode is. I already have a guilty conscience. But it's not working yet. Why?
I try to summarise the causes as briefly as possible. I like the word "turmoil" for this.
First, the star of my podcast had died. Even though I'm over it now (I still miss him a lot): I'm missing something fundamental
The fediverse has no central authority — which brings both challenges and opportunities for how it's governed. For Dot Social, @mike spoke with @kissane and @darius, two of the smartest people working on this, about the impact of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election on fediverse work, the "Xodus," what needs to be done next, and how to fund and sustain better networks for humans.
Read more about it in this blogpost.
Listen to the conversation on or wherever you get your podcasts.
#DotSocial #Podcast #Fediverse #Flipboard #OpenSocialWeb #SocialMedia #Tech #SocialWeb #Governance #Federation #Bluesky #ActivityPub #ATProtocol #SocialNetworks
shameless self promotion 一下~
和对象做了一档播客《Serendipedia | 维机游走》,一档满足人类朴素好奇心的节目。每一期,我们会从一个维基百科页面出发,徜徉在无用知识的海洋,遇见 serendipity。
欢迎大家点赞、收藏,分享给自己的朋友和家人,也欢迎在评论区留言感兴趣的话题和无用知识!更欢迎打赏支持我们的创作(链接见下)😝😝😝(对象 @rholais 因为移民局不做人现在还在流浪,您的打赏会给他送去冬日里的一份温暖~)
Apple Podcast:
#podcast #serendipedia维机游走
(To my US followers 🤫 ) I wrote: "Obviously, the immensely rich #diversity of choices offers evolutionary advantages for a wide variety of environments." I'm just writing about #moss sex. 😁 Without Newspeak. 💪
I'm proud to use the so-called "flagged" words ▶️
Yes, my podcast comeback episode will be about #Moss!
#mosstodon #NatureMatchCuts #podcast #DEI #forbiddenWords #NFI #biology #bryology #ecology #biodiversity #ReconnectWithNature #fascination
Where to find us this week:
We have #TTRPG streams on #Twitch! They go up on #YouTube before the next stream #Horror & co-op games daily
Affiliates: @DnDiceUK 10%
@GemhammerGaming 20%
Use “Penancerpg” at checkout for % off your order at &
#gaming #podcast #GamingPodcast #TTRPGs #TwitchAffiliate #TwitchStreamer #TwitchGamer #YoutubeGaming #YoutubeHorror #HorrorGames #RPG #DragonAge #HorrorFan #indie #RaidTrain #CryptCommunity
💾NEW PODCAST!💾 We took a look at Machiavelli the Prince, developed by Holistic Design and published by Microprose in 1995.
The game has nothing to do with Machiavelli, who was from Florentine while the game is set in Venice, and who lived after the events of this game.
While not as famous as other MPS titles such as Colonization, there is a lot to love here. Computer Gaming World named it "Strategy game of the year" for a reason!
Context:袁莉在湾区不明白节这期 在回答关于有多少不明白播客的听众来自中国的时候提到其实 YouTube 上有 1/3 听众都是来自中国的。然后发生如下吐槽:
袁莉:YouTube 也有一个问题就是 80% 的听众是男性,(笑)而且…我可以说吗…我认为他们很多都是抠脚大汉吧(爆笑),我们在 YouTube 上面评价最低的呢就是女权,做女权的(节目)每次他们都会破防…所以呢我也希望多做几期女权把他们洗一洗(笑)。我实在是有时候也失去了耐心。
太直率了哈哈哈哈一语中的不得不转。原来成熟的媒体人也有一样的槽点。不得不说平台用户画像比 YouTube 还极端得多的我的 telegram 频道也有一模一样的问题。洗了一波又来一波前赴后继丧尸似的。但反正他们只能无能狂怒破防去呗🤷
started listening - Ep 27. Ethan Hawke
Depois de ouvir o pocast, fiquei curioso com a Trilogia Antes do Amanhecer pela proposta (1 filme a cada 9 anos) e também Boyhood (que teve 12 anos de produção). Todos dirigidos por Richard Linklater.
#Podcast #EthanHawke #OffCamera #SamJones #BeforeTrilogy #TrilogiaAntesDoAmanhecer #Boyhood #RichardLinklater
Glaubt nicht den Plakaten - @rebootpolitics Live auf den @datenspuren
@zwecki und ich haben gestern eine Folge #RebootPolitics auf den #Datenspuren2024 aufgenommen.
Jetzt ist die Folge auch bei uns im Feed online:
Es hat mega Spaß gemacht! Danke an alle bei den #Datenspuren!
⌚ le retour de King Khan sur Discordia, et toujours illustré par @chabdpointcom !
Windkraftwerke einfach pflanzen
Die 1. Folge @rebootpolitics im neuen Jahr ist endlich draußen \o/
Dieses Mal sprechen @zwecki und ich über folgende Themen:
die Urteile im Fall #Pelicot, unseren Demotag bei #Riesa1101, den #Bombenfund in #Dresden und den IT-Ausfall bei der Stadt, die #ePa, das #VW-Datenleck, die neue Betrugsmasche mit dem #Paypal-Gastzutritt, #Zuckerbergs Pläne für #Meta und sein großes Vorbild #Musk, einen rechten Ex-Richter und jetzt Abteilungsleiter im Justizministerium in #Thüringen, das geplante TV-Duell mit Rechtsextremen bei den #ÖRR, unsere Beobachtungen zur #Bundestagswahl, wie die #AfD & #CDU gemeinsam gegen #Bürgergeld-Empfänger*innen arbeiten und die Stärkung des #BVerfG.
Where to find us this week:
We have #TTRPG streams on #Twitch! They go up on #YouTube before the next stream #Horror & co-op games daily
Affiliates: @DnDiceUK 10%
@GemhammerGaming 20%
Use “Penancerpg” at checkout for % off your order at &
#gaming #podcast #GamingPodcast #TTRPGs #TwitchAffiliate #TwitchStreamer #TwitchGamer #YoutubeGaming #YoutubeHorror #HorrorGames #RPG #DragonAge #PodernFamily #HorrorFan #indie
Where to find us this week:
We have #TTRPG streams on #Twitch! They go up on #YouTube before the next stream #Horror & co-op games daily
Affiliates: @DnDiceUK 10%
@GemhammerGaming 20%
Use “Penancerpg” at checkout for % off your order at &
#gaming #podcast #GamingPodcast #TTRPGs #TwitchAffiliate #TwitchStreamer #TwitchGamer #YoutubeGaming #YoutubeHorror #HorrorGames #RPG #DragonAge #PodernFamily #HorrorFan #indie
💾NEW PODCAST!💾 Back when we started out in 2017, one of our earliest members @toasty (being a keen cricket fan) asked "are there any cricket games for DOS?".
It turns out: there are! Lots of them, in fact.
We dove into the wacky world of DOS cricket and explored what's there.
Don't know how cricket even works? No worries, neither do we!
Une sélection de nouveautés punk/indie/hardcore et autres ! Au programme : un extrait du futur nouvel album de Mdou Moctar, le nouveau disque de Belmont Witch, un nouveau groupe grenoblois (Proto), la réédition de classiques néo-zélandais (The Clean) et anglais (The Boys), une rareté exhumée de 1980 (W-2), une chouette découverte indie/pop (Donna Allen) et tout un tas d’autres sorties indie/punk (The Ghoulies, Seudo Youth, Silo Kids, Nunofyrbeeswax, Mommy Boys, Fashion Tips, 34 Trolley, New Adults, Cucuy).
Wir steigern das Brutto-Update-Produkt
Im Finale unserer 1. Staffel #RebootPolitics sprechen @zwecki und ich nicht nur über Neuigkeiten zur #Gesichtserkennung in #Sachsen und das #Unsicherheitspaket der #Ampel, darüber, wie @arnesemsrott mit @fragdenstaat und der @Freiheitsrechte für die #Pressefreiheit kämpft oder was #Lindner wieder für neue Absurditäten plant, sondern geben auch ein paar statistische Einblicke aus dem Maschinenraum unseres #Podcasts.
Außerdem dabei: Ein Update von der #CumCum-Affaire, Widerstand gegen die Jobprämie, Neuigkeiten von #Mastodon, #PEGIDAS 10. Geburtstag, Brückentrümmer für den Papst, unanständige CDU-Mitglieder, freie Gehwege und die Trends.
Die Folge wurde am 19. Oktober 2024 aufgenommen.
💾 NEW PODCAST!💾 In episode 95 we take a look at Wacky Wheels, developed by Beavis Soft and published by Apogee in 1994.
The SNES had Super Mario Kart, but we had Wacky Wheels and that's just as good, we thought. Especially those of us who hadn't played Super Mario Kart 😅
How does it hold up now? Let's find out!
Turboflemme d'aller vous chercher un par un alors je fais ma ré #introduction : Ligature aka (ex)Stiol Peluche aka Nouckey je fais partie du collectif Ville Morte, je bosse en bibliothèque, je participe au podcast discordia spécialité cinéma indien, la vibe ici est numérique libre anticapitalisme et shitpost
#concerts #bibliotheque #Lyon #Villeurbanne #podcast #cinema