The life and death of a Boeing Whistleblower
很唏嘘,一个善良又负责的人被这个 capitalism 社会压榨、驯化再镇压的悲剧故事。
The life and death of a Boeing Whistleblower
很唏嘘,一个善良又负责的人被这个 capitalism 社会压榨、驯化再镇压的悲剧故事。
Weiter geht es bei @rebootpolitics mit Staffel 2
@zwecki und ich starten mit dem Thema #Alltagsrassismus, Updates vom Stadtteiltreff #PlatzDa!, der Reform des #Hackerparagraphen, einer Quelle für gute Nachrichten und einem Interview mit @gogowitsch zu einem absurden Gerichtsverfahren in die 2. Staffel.
Weitere Themen: Neuigkeiten von, der Release von #Loops, ein Bundesverfassungsgerichtsurteil zu #Ausbildungsförderungen, eine zivile Gesetzesinitiative zur Liberalisierung des #Schwangerschaftsabbruchsrechts, der Tod von Lothar #König, neue #Klimaprognosen, ein Verdacht bei Brandstiftung auf eine geplante Asylunterkunft, Geld für DDR-Zwangsarbeiter*innen von #IKEA, Renaturierung des #Klausbachs, die Trends und unsere Empfehlungen.
Die Folge wurde am 31. Oktober 2024 aufgenommen.
#Podcast #RebootPolitics #WegMit218 #LetzteGeneration #Dresden
Here is episode one of my podcast, The Learning Arcade. In this series, I will explore how gaming and learning intersect by talking to people from all walks of life.
:) Feedback is most appreciated. It's my first try.
Total time: 10mins
Episode 188 of the Air Adam Podcast has just been released, with a special guest this month - Mancunian MC, producer, and DJ Chalk! He's in the studio for a chat about his history and work, while we also play some of his tracks alongside gems from MC Lyte, Le$, Pitch 92, Rome Streetz and many more!
- Apple Podcasts
- Pocket Casts
- etc
Have a listen and let me know what you think!
The Economist 做了一个杀猪盘深度调查的 podcast 系列 Scam Inc.
Its the return of Dark Tide!!
Rejoin our intrepid Grey Wardens as they struggle to survive and fight back Dark Spawn in this alternate timeline!
This is our first streamed non-DnD TTRPG campaign, watch on Sunday 2.30pm UK at or catch up on YouTube
Horror, co-op & puzzle games are
#IndieGames #AudioDrama #TableTop #RolePlay #podcast #HomeBrew #ActualPlay #fantasy #Comedy #indieRPGs #TabletopGames #horror #TTRPG #RPG #RPGs
Where to find us this week:
We have #TTRPG streams on #Twitch! They go up on #YouTube before the next stream #Horror & co-op games daily
#gaming #podcast #GamingPodcast #TTRPGs #TwitchAffiliate #TwitchStreamer #TwitchGamer #YoutubeGaming #YoutubeHorror #HorrorGames #RPG #DragonAge #PodernFamily #HorrorFan #indie
S5E1: Lisa Knows 😮
@dave is playing with a DIY NASc and rebuilding GoVJ for iOS 16.
@daniel has a Porsche Taycan…
Oh, and Lisa knows 😮
Where to find us this week:
We have #TTRPG streams on #Twitch! They go up on #YouTube before the next stream #Horror & co-op games daily
Affiliates: @DnDiceUK 10%
@GemhammerGaming 20%
Use “Penancerpg” at checkout for % off your order at &
#gaming #podcast #GamingPodcast #TTRPGs #HorrorGames #RPG #DragonAge #PodernFamily #HorrorFan #indie
Is it truly Dragonmeet if we havent found a oneshot, not looked at it at all before recording starts and then it all descends into a fever dream?
“Attorneys at Jaw” is by can be found at:
#fantasy #PodcastZone #horror #podcast #podcasting #HomeBrew #ActualPlay #gaming #Comedy #DnD #StoryTelling #humorous #TableTopGame #HorrorStories #TTRPGs #RPG #fantasy #twitch #HorrorGames #TTRPGRising
💾 NEW PODCAST!💾 A while ago we held a poll here on Mastodon asking for a non-Lucas adventure game to play, and the winner was Beneath a Steel Sky (Revolution Software, 1994).
So that's what we're looking at in this episode!
Thank you for using LINC and be vigilant.
Featuring rambles on: traffic, bananas, drinking games, animatronic tails, chainsaw man plots, distracting things in manga, Scottish terms, getting old, pickling & fermenting, vegan food, elephants, potatoes, shouting "DAVE", songs you hate & much, much more.
#IndieGames #AudioDrama #TableTop #RolePlay #podcast #podcasts #HomeBrew #ActualPlay #gaming #fantasy #Comedy #GamingPodcast #IndieRPGs #horror #humorous #TableTopGames #HorrorStories #TTRPG #RPG #RPGs #gamers
花了三天时间把 Acquired 讲 Rolex 的这一期播客听完了,还蛮有意思的……印象比较深刻的几个点是:
1. 最早大家用的是怀表,腕表发明出来后,尽管确实更方便但没有立刻流行……直到…………一战爆发。
2. 近一个世纪里,许多品牌的成功都在于把自家产品和一种生活方式绑定,卖的是对生活的想象,而不是实际的产品……
3. 播主之一说他爸爸是个 watch fan,他毕业后进投行工作,他爸觉得嘿儿子去投行工作得有块表戴!就送了他几块表……几块表……几块表……播主戴着爸爸送的 Rolex 去上班被上司们侧目(尽管说 Rolex 是投行uniform 但一般是director 们发了奖金才会去买,播主小年轻就戴去上班被同事们觉得他是傻货富二代),然后就对机械表圈祛魅,他的下一款表是—— apple watch 😂
Are you curious how I invented my micro-macro-amplifyer and why I like Dr Who? How I learned from a BBC colleague that a bed is important for work? Do you want to imagine a grey haired woman watching childrens' TV and having a culture clash thanks to Audacity? How I came to podcasting (part 1) ▶️
#NatureMatchCuts #podcast #nature #DrWho #curiosity #BBC #moreThanHuman #Tardis #Löwenzahn #journalism #backstage #reconnectingWithNature #podcasting #podcaster
Featuring rambles on: ghosts, bees. amy's voice, being on a speedboat, the woes of doing visual novels on stream, toms laptop, laundry, sword fighting, bees (continued), Scottish things, pomegranades ,spaghetti, cooking on the cheap, audiobooks, ostritches, drinking coffee for science, waving sticks in parks, morals in games, horse vs dog prices, fans,
#IndieGames #podcast #podcasts #HomeBrew #ActualPlay #gaming #fantasy #Comedy #HorrorStories #TTRPG #RPG #gamers